Hobbyist Corner

Exclusive DIY Papercraft: US SPIDER TANK M3
Scissors, glue, paper. That's all you need to build your own US SPIDER TANK M3. Decorate your desk or watch how the army of your Warhammer adversaries shiver on the battlefield with this miniature papercraft.
This month we bring you a new exclusive for The Hobbyst Corner: a FREE papercraft miniature you can print out and assemble by yourself! The US SPIDER TANK M3 its a three-manned light combat module with a 65hp Meadows engine which gives a maximum speed of 24 km/h (14 mph) when running and can jump up to 4 mt (12 ft), although those numbers vary depending on the terrain, of course.
Considered a reconnaissance unit and mobile machine gun position, the US SPIDER TANK M3 is the final stage of development for the collaboration between the British Army’s Royal Mobile Regiment and the US Armored Corps for the SPIDER series of combat modules.
This light tank was sent to India for trials and received modifications to improve engine cooling in the hotter climate as well as a cylindrical turret, which replaced the Vicker Armstrong’s squared version.
Check out the beautiful box art for the US SPIDER TANK M3:
And this is how it looks like once printed and its put together. The photos you see here correspond to a US SPIDER TANK M3 printed on regular white paper:
Let’s get to it
To build this papercraft all need is on this list:
- Glue (can also be a hot glue gun)
- White Paper (any size)
- A x-acto knife, scissors or equivalent.
Like always, we won’t be providing any written instructions for the making of this or any papercraft in the Hobbyist Corner. The reason is simple: a lot of thought goes into the making of this and all builds for The Free Bundle. The visual instructions we add to the free PDF on all our papercrafts end up being pretty straightforward and easy to follow, even for the inexperienced.
In the case of the US SPIDER TANK M3, all the instructions you need to put the model together are on the five sheets of papers we prepared for you:
Once again: you can use any type and size of paper to print this and any of our blueprints. If you have an extra sturdy kind of paper, the making of this model will, of course, go much smoother. But, if you don’t, it doesn’t matter: we have designed these so that paper thickness isn’t a deciding factor on the final product. You will get your US SPIDER TANK M3 PAPERCRAFT, and we promise you, it will look exactly as everybody else’s.
By including visual instructions in each blueprint, we make sure things are easy enough for anyone to build this amazing US SPIDER TANK M3 papercraft model in no time.
If you liked our US SPIDER TANK S3 papercraft, please tag us (#thefreebundle) with your armored giant on Instagram or Twitter.
Happy build!