We want to read your stories

Our submissions guidelines are simple: we don't care about your past publishing history or how many awards you have or don't have; if this is your first story, so be it. We want to read your stories.

Submissions are open. Always.

Anyone can write Sci-Fi.

We believe stories make authors, not the other way around. Some of the best Science Fiction and Fantasy writers the world has come to know came from outside the writing circles. That is why we can’t wait to read your stories.

The first time is the best one.

We know you don’t have twenty short stories published in every Sci-Fi Magazine. Maybe you haven’t even been published yet. That’s fine, we don’t care. If this is your first time publishing, so be it.

No “Hugo” or “Nebula”? No problem.

We know you don’t have a shelf filled with literary awards and to be honest, we don’t care. There are too many award-winning authors being published already. Good for them. Now we want to read your stories.

Write what excites you.

We won’t ask you to fix society’s problems with your writing, just make us have fun! Make us dream, make us forget life for a while! Just as important, perhaps just as difficult as well. If you are having fun writing it, people will have a blast reading it. We want to read your stories.

Your Story, Your Rights.

We see no reason why you can’t re-publish your short story someplace else after publishing with us. We won’t hold it for years or make you sign an exclusivity agreement. Your words belong to you. All we want is to read your stories. The rest is up to you.

Need readers? We have around 16k of them.

Even Hemingway published for the first time. Every writer does. We believe in giving people a chance. That short story you wrote? It may very well be the first step of your writing career. We want to read your stories.

Your story needs a cover.

You worked hard on your story. We feel an equal amount of work should go into presenting it to the Sci-Fi community. A modified Wordpress template simply doesn’t cut it for us. That’s why we hand-code our magazine and each story gets its own illustration.

Not in the U.S? No problem.

If you have a great short story, if you wrote it with passion and you trust your own writing enough to send it around, that’s enough for us. We have a global audience, we expect global submissions.

Who will be next?

Ready to submit?

Read our guidelines